Summoners War Guide: Tips, Team Building, and Progression

Summoners War has captivated the hearts of gamers worldwide with its strategic gameplay, diverse monster collection, and intricate progression systems. Whether you’re a new player or a seasoned veteran, understanding the nuances of the game is crucial to mastering it. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover essential tips, team-building strategies, and progression tactics to help you excel in Summoners War.

Understanding the Basics

Before diving into advanced strategies, it’s important to grasp the fundamental concepts of Summoners War. The game revolves around summoning monsters, building teams, and battling through various modes to enhance your collection. Here’s a quick overview of the core elements:

Summoning Monsters

The primary way to acquire new monsters is through summoning. There are several methods to summon monsters, including:

  • Mystical Scrolls
  • Legendary Scrolls
  • Light & Dark Scrolls
  • Exclusive Summons

Each method has different chances of summoning monsters of varying rarities, from 1-star to 5-star. Understanding the summoning rates and the importance of different scrolls can significantly impact your progression.

Monster Rarity and Types

Monsters in Summoners War are categorized by their star rating (1-5 stars) and type (Fire, Water, Wind, Light, and Dark). Higher star-rated monsters generally have better stats and abilities. Knowing which monsters to prioritize for summoning and leveling is crucial for building an effective team.

Building the Perfect Team

Creating a well-balanced team is essential for success in Summoners War. Your team composition should consider the following factors:

Roles and Synergy

Monsters in Summoners War typically fall into one of several roles:

  • Attackers: Deal high damage to enemies.
  • Defenders: Absorb damage and protect the team.
  • Support: Provide healing, buffs, and debuffs.
  • Crowd Control: Stun, freeze, or otherwise disable enemies.

Combining monsters with complementary roles and abilities creates a synergistic team that can handle various challenges. For example, pairing a strong healer with durable defenders and powerful attackers ensures longevity and damage output in battles.

Elemental Advantage

Each monster type has strengths and weaknesses against other types:

  • Fire beats Wind
  • Wind beats Water
  • Water beats Fire

Light and Dark counter each other

Utilizing elemental advantages can turn the tide of battle in your favor. Building a diverse team that covers multiple elements can help you adapt to different opponents.

Essential Tips for Beginners

Starting in Summoners War can be overwhelming. Here are some essential tips to help you get started on the right foot:

Focus on Key Monsters

Not all monsters are created equal. Some monsters are invaluable for progression, while others are less useful. Researching and focusing on key monsters like Vero, Bella, and Sigmarus can accelerate your early game progression.

Efficient Resource Management

Resources such as Mana Stones, Crystals, and Energy are finite. Prioritizing how you spend these resources can make a significant difference. For example, using Crystals for energy refills rather than summons can help you progress faster by farming more efficiently.

Participate in Events

Summoners War frequently hosts events that offer valuable rewards. Participating in these events can yield scrolls, runes, and other resources that are crucial for progression.

Advanced Strategies for Experienced Players

Once you’ve mastered the basics, it’s time to delve into more advanced strategies:

Arena and PvP

Competing in the Arena and PvP modes requires a deep understanding of team composition and strategy. Building a solid defense team and developing effective offense strategies are key to climbing the ranks. Pay attention to meta trends and adjust your teams accordingly.

Guild Wars and Siege Battles

Guild Wars and Siege Battles are crucial for obtaining exclusive rewards and resources. Coordinating with your guild and building specialized teams for these modes can yield significant benefits. Communication and strategy are vital for success in these competitive modes.

Raid Battles

Raid battles require teamwork and coordination with other players. Building a team with appropriate debuffs and damage output is essential for taking down powerful raid bosses. Focus on obtaining Raid-specific runes and materials to further enhance your monsters.

Monster Spotlight: Top Picks for Each Role

Here are some top monster picks for each role to help you build a balanced team:

Top Attackers

  • Theomars (Water Ifrit): High damage output and survivability.
  • Lucien (Wind Joker): Powerful AoE damage.

Top Defenders

  • Rina (Water Epikion Priest): Excellent sustain and protection.
  • Chasun (Wind Sky Dancer): Heals and buffs the team.

Top Support

  • Fran (Light Fairy Queen): Versatile support with healing and buffs.
  • Ganymede (Wind Fairy King): Resets skills and provides crowd control.

Top Crowd Control

  • Verad (Water Dragon): Freezes enemies and controls the battlefield.
  • Tiana (Wind Polar Queen): Strips buffs and provides crowd control.

Tips for Efficient Farming

Farming efficiently is key to progressing quickly in Summoners War. Here are some tips to maximize your farming efforts:


Utilize the auto-battle feature to farm scenarios and dungeons while focusing on other tasks. Setting up a reliable auto-farming team can save you time and effort.

Energy Management

Managing your energy efficiently ensures you maximize your farming potential. Prioritize farming high-value dungeons and scenarios, and use energy refills wisely.

Utilize Double XP Events

Double XP events provide an excellent opportunity to level up your monsters quickly. Plan your farming sessions around these events to maximize your experience gains.

Optimizing Your Rune Sets

Runes are a cornerstone of Summoners War. Optimizing your rune sets for each monster can drastically improve their performance. Here are some tips:

Focus on Sub-Stats

While main stats are important, sub-stats can make a significant difference. Look for runes with beneficial sub-stats that complement your monster’s role.

Rune Set Bonuses

Different rune sets provide various bonuses. Building rune sets that match your monster’s needs can enhance their abilities. For example, Violent runes are excellent for monsters that benefit from extra turns.

Power-Up and Grind

Investing in powering up and grinding your runes can yield significant stat improvements. Prioritize powering up your best runes to +15 and use grindstones and enchantments to enhance their sub-stats.


Summoners War offers a deep and rewarding gameplay experience for those willing to invest time and effort. By understanding the basics, building effective teams, and employing advanced strategies, you can excel in this captivating game. Remember to focus on key monsters, manage your resources wisely, and continuously optimize your rune sets. With dedication and strategic planning, you’ll conquer the challenges of Summoners War and rise to the top. Happy summoning!

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